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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемМаксим Спешнев
2 Theoretical background: Gerd A. Logical and conceptual modeling of terminological systems and computer-aded translation, 1998 Leichik V. People and Words, 1982 Shelov S. The term. Terminology. Terminological definitions, 2003 Tkachova L. The basis principles of English terminology, 1987 Shelov S. The definition of terms and notional structure of terminology, 1998 Ahmanova O. S. Dictionary of linguistic terms, 2007
3 The purpose of the current research: To identify formal and semantic types of linguistic terms
4 The analyzed material: The terms of such branches of linguistics as stylistics, lexicology and theoretical grammar
5 Levels of analysis (by V. Leichik): Defining the formal structure of linguistic terms Analyzing the semantic structure of linguistic terms Identifying the motivation of terms Focusing on the origin of the terms Referring terms to the parts of speech
6 The stages of the research: Analysis of term definition Identification of 9 basic categories (unit, form, category, meaning, structure, function, system, method, process)
7 The categorical network is the basis for: Classification of linguistic terms
8 Conclusion: This categorical linguistic network can be a way of linguistic terms systematization Analyzing the formal structure of linguistic terms we pointed out one-word terms, two or more word terms, abbreviations Identifying the motivation of terms we can name fully motivated terms, partially motivated terms and false motivated terms Referring terms to the parts of speech we found out terms-nouns, terms-adjectives, terms- adverbs, terms-numerals
9 Thank you!
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