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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемВиктория Галахова
1 Урок английского языка во 2 классе
2 The theme of lesson is Games and Sports games
3 Lets remember the words on our theme. 1.Name the games. 2. Name the professions. 3. Name the verbs. 4. Name the games for children.
4 in the swimming pool
5 at the stadium
6 on the playground
7 on the sports ground
8 1. Nick (to play) tennis very well.
9 1. Nick plays tennis very well.
11 in the gym
12 2. They (to like) to play in the park.
13 2. They like to play in the park.
14 1. Nick plays tennis very well.
15 3. Liz (to ride) a bike every day.
16 1. Nick plays tennis very well.
17 3. Liz rides a bike every day.
18 4. He (to swim) in the swimming pool.
19 4. He swims in the swimming pool.
20 6. A dog (to like) to play with my ball.
21 6. A dog likes to play with my ball.
22 1.To play snowballs 2. To sledge
23 do not (dont) does not (doesnt)
24 1.Nick plays tennis very well. 2. They like to play in the park. do not (dont), does not (doesnt) 3. Liz rides a bike every day. 4. He swims in the swimming pool. 5. We play leap- frog. 6. A dog likes to play with my ball.
25 Hands up, hands down, Hands on hips, sit down. Hands up, to the sides, Bend left, bend right. One, two, three, hop, One, two, three, stop. Stand still!
26 1. the, we, on, to play, sports ground, football, like 2. in, like, play, park, to, I, the, tag.
27 1. We like to play football on the sports ground. 2. I like to play tag in the park.
28 Our lesson is over. Good bye!
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