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1 The subject and object of political science
2 It is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as object and subject of study. The object of study - is an objective reality independent of the knowing subject. Subject of research - that's what sent directly study this particular property, the quality, the face of the object. If the object is, as already mentioned, is independent of the knowing subject, the object is selected according to the goals and objectives of the study of concrete science (case study).
3 Object of Politology The object of political science stands political reality, and political spheres of society. In the broadest sense, the political sphere is the sphere of social relations associated with the interaction of the various communities of people - social groups, strata, classes, nations and peoples. It includes a number of social institutions and organizations that mediate this interaction. The most important of these institutions is the state. It participated in the affairs of the state, the direction of the state, the definition of forms, objectives, content and activities of the state is the main content of people in the political sphere.
4 Subject of Politology Political science - the science of politics and the emergence of patterns of political phenomena (institutions, relationships, processes), the ways and forms of their functioning and development of methods of control political processes of political consciousness, culture, and so on.
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