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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемЕлена Акимова
1 Thank my Grandfather for the victory Made by Ksenya Shiryaeva Teacher: Akimova E.I. School 1 Alexandrov 2015
2 My family has got a very old letter, which is kept with old photoes and other important things. This is my Grandads letter from the war. Its very sad and touching. Read it and try to feel his desire to see his relatives, to win the victory and to stay alive.
3 My dear mother, You loving son is writing to you. Dont worry about me. Im alive and healthy. Now were sitting around the fire. There are flashes of explosions Behind the forest, but here were safe. Yesterday there was a battle. After our attack the Germans retreated. But were not so happy… You know, we lost many friends. But I think the war will be over soon. It must be so! Well never give up! Mum, are there any news from Father? Where is he now? Please write! Your son, Konstantin
4 These triangles were so desired during the war, because they meant that the soldier was alive. They could not meet and speak to each other, so these letters were their only hope. My great grandmother kept this hope and well keep it through all our life too.
5 In this presentation we used: 1) 2) WktYejR0eWJFYk1LdmtxbDFCcTIycGRlVkxrWEV1b25hTGJYRjB5 T0xpSTluOXZGQXFKNG1USUM4Nl92Vmxrb3JnVFBvRTBfR09lVFpx Q3hFUnVEdHZFMTZCbk5uamZNZmJNZHJsR19VWXdMTDN4c FZSWUhZX1ZhMDQ&b64e=2&sign =5f239afe7d6e91217e99fdbe2a7b889b&keyno=0
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