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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемАселя Ергалиева
1 LANGUAGE, SPEECH, SPEECH ACTIVITY Suggests to allocate the following functions: communicative; thinking tools; mastering the socio-historical; experience; national and cultural; knowledge tools.
2 MAIN FUNCTIONS OF LANGUAGE Speaker (говорящий) Message (сообщение) Listener (слушающий) Functions of language originally began to systematize in compliance with structure of the communicative (speech) act
3 Psychology and the Language Learning process The psychological aspects of foreign speech activity can further be summed up under two headings, and this is something to be taken into account in teaching. On the one hand, the pupil should learn how to convert this activity into a speech act, how to apply it to non-verbal tasks and make it a part of his non-verbal activities. In order to achieve this, he must learn to form the new language automatically, without any participation of the conscious mind, or at least with its minimum participation; he must learn to think about what to say, rather than how to say it.
4 Some problems of language evolution and standard of speech Each separate generation and each certain person belonging to this generation appropriates or, applying more habitual term, acquires language. Language becomes property of each certain individual, a means of communication, and is equal means of thinking and means understanding of reality.
5 This does not mean that speech cannot be an independent activity. It is such when a man has a specific motive (or system of motives) which can be satisfied by speech itself, when the aim of the speech is not to obtain something but to construct the utterance as such (or a whole text-a system of utterances ).
6 we speak of communication activity when the motives for the speech lie again outside the concrete speech acts but are specific and can only be satisfied by means of speech: Speech activity Speech act as part of non- verbal activity Speech act as part of communication activity
7 It should be added that speech is not the only form of communication. Either in conjunction with speech or instead of it we can use a variety of other means for the same purposes: mimicry, gesticulation, non-verbal signalling systems, etc. In practice non-verbal modes of intercourse occur quite frequently in communication (according to some psychologists, nearly 40% of information is transmitted in this way).
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