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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемАндрей Поликаров
Мини - проект в виде презентации представляет собой небольшую исследовательскую работу по изучению истории своей семьи. Главная цель - выявить секрет семейного счастья в разные временные отрезки. Урок является промежуточным в серии уроков по теме "Talking on famly matters' в 10 классе по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English".
2 Story about my great-grandparents
3 The instrument of my grand-grandmother
4 My grand-grandfather with his collegues
5 My grand-grandfather and his best friends
6 The medals for bravery and different orders of my grand-grandfather.
7 Exploring my familys past, I discovered that history does sometimes repeat itself. I set out to find out about my family. But not having known about their history, I was surprised to find out about some of the connection we had. They did things the way I do them. Somehow we were a mirror of each others lives. My grand-grandmother was a violinist; she played the violin beautifully, so my mother and grandmother told me. My great- grandmother loved music, I realize that we are very similar to it, because I also love music. I really wanted to play the violin as my grand-grandmother. Unfortunately in our music school the violin is not taught. So I learned to play the piano. My grand- grandfather was a great warrior and patriot of his country. During the Great Patriotic War, he fought very bravely with enemies. Once he was captured, but he did not surrender and tried to run away. Only from the fourth attempt he managed to escape. My grand-grandfather has a lot of medals for bravery and different orders. I, my family and my relatives are proud of him. We should talk more with our relatives - our grandparents. They do have a lot to tell us! It gives us a sense of belonging to a family and helps us understand ourselves better. Thats exactly what has happened to me.
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