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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемСергей Юлдашев
Презентация выполнена учащимися 11 А класса к уроку "Сравнение образования в Англии, Америке и России".
1 Education system in America, Britain and in Russia. Выполнили учащиеся 10А: Камбуров Д., Ломухин П., Момотов Н., Неклюдова Н.
3 American education: A child s education usually starts at the age of 4 or 5 years. Kindergarten prepare the child for life at elementary school.
4 British education: In Britain children start school when they are 5 years old. They spend six years in primary school, and the go to the secondary school.
5 Russian school: В России дети идут в школу в возрасте 6-7 лет. До школы ребенок может посещать детский сад.
7 British Education System The Education System in Great Britain Primary school (5-11 years) Infant school (5- 6 y ears) Junior school (7-11) Secondary school (12-16 years)
8 Education system in America. American education system Elementary school Junior high school Senior high school
9 Russian school. Российская система образования Начальная школа Средняя школа
11 American school: In American school children learn English, science, social studies, maths and physical education.
12 British school: In British school children learn English, science, social studies, maths and physical education.
13 Russian school: В России школьники изучают: Русский язык, математику, черчение, физику, английский язык, литературу и другие предметы.
15 American school: At the end of high school, students graduate with a high school diploma if they complete their studies satis-factorily. The grades go from A (excellent) to F (fail).
16 British school: At the end of the 5 th year in Britain many students take a national examination, the GCSE.
17 Russian school: В России дети сдают ЕГЭ, по окончании 11 ого класса. Этот экзамен обязателен для всех учащихся.
18 The End
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