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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемФедор Скрябин
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1 The project was done by Degtyarenko Slava.
2 New Year Christmas Conclusion
3 New Year is the happiest a holiday. It is a favourite holiday for people especially children. In New Year people are give presents each other. People dont work and have a good time. They can get together or visit friends and relatives. People celebrate New Year in the fist of January.
4 Christmas is a religious holiday. God was born on this saint day. In Christmas young people sing songs and get candies for it. I am believe that Christmas is beautiful holiday. It is great saint day, people are celebrate Christmas in the seventh of January.
5 I am tell you about 2 general winter holiday in Russia. I think that this holidays are most colourful winter s holidays. They have the old history. And I am happy and funny in Christmas Day and New Year*s Day!
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