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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемГеннадий Наволоцкий
Презентация посвящена жизни и творчеству великого итальянского художника Леонардо да Винчи.
1 Тема: Леонардо да Винчи и его картины. Ученицы 9 «В» класса Калабековой Светы.
2 Leonardo da Vinci is an Italian scientist, an inventor, an artist and a writer. He is one of the brightest representatives of the epoch of Renaissance. He is considered the most genius of all times and peoples by many researchers. Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, in the small village Ankiano, near Florence. His father, Piero, was a public notary, his mother, Katerina, was a peasant. When Leonardo was born his father left the family and married a rich woman. Leonardo spent his first years with his mother. Leonardo began to show the talent of the artist in adolescence. At the age of twenties, he helped his master Andrea del Verrocchio to create a picture «Baptism of Christ». He uses oil paints, which were a novelty at that time in Italy. «Education» was the first self-written picture. Biography
3 Soon orders started coming from Sforza, Scopeto and the monastery San Donato. He started to paint a «Mona Lisa»s portrait in Leonardo arrived in Rome in 1513 where he often communicated with king Francis I. Leonardo da Vinci died on the second of May when he was sixty- seven. Soon orders started coming from Sforza, Scopeto and the monastery San Donato. He started to paint a «Mona Lisa»s portrait in Leonardo arrived in Rome in 1513 where he often communicated with king Francis I. Leonardo da Vinci died on the second of May when he was sixty- seven. He was buried in the Church of Saint Florent-ten, but the tomb was lost in the course of long-term wars. He was buried in the Church of Saint Florent-ten, but the tomb was lost in the course of long-term wars.
4 «Madonna Litta» «Madonna Litta» near 1490
5 Giocondo Mona Lisa ( Giocondo )
6 Ritratto di musico Ritratto di musico 1490
7 Baptism of Christ Baptism of Christ
8 St. John (Bacchus) St. John (Bacchus)
9 «Mona Lisa» (Mona Lisa) Leonardo da Vinci's or «La Gioconda» (La Gioconda). The size of he picture 77 x 53 centimeters. A fuzzy greenish-gray landscape creates mystique, contrasting with Mona Lisas dark clothes, which, in turn, stresses her face, full of inner light, soft power and mystery. Her face is charming feminine and wisdom. About 1503, Leonardo began to paint a Mona Lisas portrait. She was а Francesco La Giocondas wife. He was a very rich man. About 1503, Leonardo began to paint a Mona Lisas portrait. She was а Francesco La Giocondas wife. He was a very rich man. This picture is known as «La Gioconda», received enthusiastic assessment of already among his contemporaries. Glory of the picture was so great that around her folded legends subsequently. You have to admit that this work is as one of the few monuments of world art. This picture is known as «La Gioconda», received enthusiastic assessment of already among his contemporaries. Glory of the picture was so great that around her folded legends subsequently. You have to admit that this work is as one of the few monuments of world art. Portrait Mona Lisa
10 Most of pictures of Leonardo da Vinci are located in Milan, London, France, Italy, Washington. Most of pictures of Leonardo da Vinci are located in Milan, London, France, Italy, Washington. Two of them, "Madonna with a flower" and "Benois Madonna", are stored in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Two of them, "Madonna with a flower" and "Benois Madonna", are stored in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg.
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