By Anel, Kamilla and Sabira Ecological problems of the Ili-Balkhash basin.


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By Anel, Kamilla and Sabira Ecological problems of the Ili-Balkhash basin.

The unique Lake Balkhash. ILI River Balkhash: facts. Dying Balkhash Taking actions Outline

The unique Lake Balkhash.

The Is a river in northwestern China and southeastern Kazakhstan. Ili It is 1,439 kilometres (894 mi) long, 815 kilometres (506 mi) of which is in Kazakhstan. River The Ili River drains the basin between the Tian Shan and the Borohoro Mountains to the north.

In recent years, the surface area of the lake has decreased by 2 thousand sq. m., the lake level has fallen by 2.3 meters. The average depth - 6 meters. In the 80s Balkhash produced more than 10 thousand tons of fish 800 thousand Muskrats, which number reduced dramatically 47 species of rare animals of Kazakhstan and 87 species listed in the Red Book accounts in Balkhash

There are about 50 species of mammals live there, 269 species of avifauna. The main commercial fish were carp, perch, chub and bream.

Dying Balkhash

Taking action To make irrigationdraina ge, with 10 lake systems, an area of hectares To involve additional water resources. To protect small rivers, coasts, and waters of Balkhash Lake from emissions of heavy metals produced by plans To Resolve issues of transboundary water management.

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