[p] – plump, pear, apple, pepper [t] – nut, carrot, plate [ S ] – sugar, mushroom, radish [t S ] – cherry, cheese, chocolate [d3] – jam, juice, cabbage, vegetables [i:] – tea, pea, sweet, meat [ei] – cake, grapes, cocktail
Chris can have chicken for lunch! The girls are drinking orange juice.
Ice cuit Porreal Butets Bisney Ceridgeidge Swecream Hoter
Ice cream Porridge Butterter Biscuit Cereal Sweets Honeyney
F O O D Вкуснотища – Very good! Пищу называют … Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем … Мясо жарится, шкварчит, мясо по-английски … Арбуз предпочитаю сливам. Арбуз иначе … Узнали све впервые, что груша – это … Масло нужно всем ребятам. Масло по-английски Без соли борщ не лезет в рот. Соль по-английски просто … Ведро воды ек принесете? Вода, водичка будет Слива тут и слива там. Слива по-английски … Виноград мы съели весь. Виноград иначе …
20, Queen Street London, Great Britain 15th December 2006 Hello, my pen-friend! My name is Mike. I am 12. I want to tell you about the main holiday in Britain – about Christmas. All British children l_ke this holiday very much, because they e_t and dr_nk a lot of t_sty things:,, chocolate,, jam, c_kes. The usual meal for Christmas is a roast tu_key with _____, and other ve_e_ables: and. And the usual sw_et thing is a sweet Christmas p_d_ing. And what about you? What do you like to eat or drink for your holidays? With best wishes for Christmas and New Year. Mike.
What holiday do British children like very much? Why do they like it? What sweet things do they eat for Christmas? What is the usual meal for Christmas?
Whats your favourite food?
Whats your favourite drink?
I like, and. I dont like or. My favourite food is. My favourite drink is.
G L A S S W E E T E A P P L E A T E N U T O O K N O T A K E G G L A S S O U P U T O O T H A N D I N N E R H ow many words can you find here?