Adventure stories – приключенческие истории Science fiction – научная фантастика Love stories – любовные истории Plays – пьесы Novels – романы Detective stories – детективные истории Fairy tales – сказки Short stories – рассказы Poems – стихотворения
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin Anna Akhmatova Alexandra Marinina Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Vasiliy Makarovich Shukshin Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
Theme of our lesson: Russian writers The tasks: - to learn biography of these writers - to meet with works of these writers
Biography of writers Name:_________________________________ Country of birth:________________________ The time he/she lived:____________________ Some facts from his/her life:______________ The kind of books which he/she wrote:______ The most famous book by this author:______
- Hands up, hands down. -Which is the way to London town? - Where? Where? Where? -Up in the air? -Close your eyes - -And you are there!
Writers creativity The passage is from the book … The book was written by… The text is about … The main idea of the text is… The main characters of the book are … The author describes … I found the text… because…
Home task: - to make a cover for our encyclopedia - to make biography other Russian writers
Reflection I get much information on the lesson. I want to know more. I get much information on the lesson. It is enough for me. I get much information on the lesson. It is dont interesting for me.