New in CimatronE3 Electrodes
The Electrode Process Electrode Set-up Wizard Burning Areas Extraction Electrodes Creation Blank Creation Extension Faces Creation Setting the EDM Parameters Reports Creation
Electrode Set-up Wizard Select mold component New assembly created in a new folder
Electrodes Extraction Working on the electrode instead of burning area Electrodes may be extracted in more than one direction (different orientations). Different burning directions may be defined (other then the +Z direction)
Electrodes Extraction Easy editing of parameters - –Dragging the blank is possible for resize and relocate Fold up menus of minor parameters
Blank Creation Editing capabilities of blank heights using a free parameter Marked Base option
Extension Faces Creation A Single function for all extensions Additional options within the extension (step, draft angle, filler face) Automatic contour creation for the next operation. Preview of the next extension.
Setting the EDM Parameters Different parameters for rough and finish electrodes (4 levels) Quantity field for each electrode type (rough or finish) Total offset = Spark gap + Orbiting
Electrode Drafting Powerful preference and templates tools Electrodes and location can be excluded form the assembly drawing
Electrode Templates Simple template creation Can be applied when the electrode is extracted – a complete electrode can be created Can be applied on existing electrodes or on a pre selected contour
Open application The system can be customized to fit each clients needs. 4 functions can be customized: –Name generators –EDM Setup –Reports –Positioning table for drafting
Cimatron E – The new solution for the tooling industry.