Artificial Intelligence Created by Korbut Fyodor FTF, 21202
What is AI? The intelligence of machines The branch of computer science that aims to create it.
History of AI First thinking machines appeared in Greek myths; The term AI was created in 1956; The first commercial AI program was created in the early 1980s; Nowadays AI is used in many different spheres of science;
Turing test - is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior. Player C, the interrogator, is tasked with trying to determine which player - A or B - is a computer and which is a human, using different written questions to it. How does it work?
AI-system Deduction, reasoning, problem solving Knowledge representation Planning Learning Natural language processing Motion and manipulation Perception Social intelligence Creativity General intelligence
AI today Nowadays AI-machine, which can think like person in all spheres of our life isnt created, but there are many AI- systems, which used in 1 or 2 spheres, for example: Deep Blue – chess simulator; Watson – speech-understanding system; MYCIN – system of diagnosing diseases;
AI in future Two branches of development: Creating AI-systems close to human intelligenc; Uniting the AI-systems, which were created, in one to solve problems of humankind;
AI-robots - Vacuum cleaning robot - engineer-robot - helicopter-robot
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