Презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме: Презентация к уроку в 6 классе "Моя семья"


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Открытый урок английского языка в 6 классе на тему «Моя семья» Подготовила учитель английского языка Солодкая С.В год.
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Презентация "My family"
ЗАДАНИЯ НА СОСТАВЛЕНИЕ ПИСЬМА ЛИЧНОГО ХАРАКТЕРА Task 1. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Mary who writes... was great to.

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6-м классе Тема «Семья» Family

1. Начало урока. Glad to see you, my friends! How are you? Before we start Id like to know about your mood. Show me your mood (смайлики). Проверка готовности к работе: Are you ready to work? So, lets start.

2. Речевая разминка 2. Речевая разминка Answer my questions: Answer my questions: P1, have you got an elder brother? P1, have you got an elder brother? Whats her name? Whats her name? P2, have you got a younger brother? Have you got a sister. P2, have you got a younger brother? Have you got a sister. P3, have you got a cousin? How many cousins have you got? P3, have you got a cousin? How many cousins have you got? P4, have you got an uncle? Whats his name? where does he live? P4, have you got an uncle? Whats his name? where does he live? Has anybody a nephew or a niece? Nobody has? Has anybody a nephew or a niece? Nobody has? Maybe anybody has a wife or a husband? Maybe anybody has a wife or a husband?

3. Целеполагание (предположение темы урока) How do you think, what well talk about? What is our topic today? How do you think, what well talk about? What is our topic today? You are right well speak about family and family relations today. You are right well speak about family and family relations today.

4. Выполнение задания на закрепление лексики по теме «Семья» Give the opposites: Give the opposites: 0) A father – a mother 1) a sister – a brother 2) an uncle – an aunt 3) a nephew – a niece 4) a son - a daughter 5) a grandfather-a grandmother 6) a husband – a wife 6 words 5 words 4 words < 4words 5432

5. Задание на распознавание лексических единиц Join the Parts of the Words! MO TER BRO CLE FAT THER NT MOTHER SIS HER AU THER FA TER UN WI DAUGH MILY GRAND FE

Оценочная таблица к заданию 5 10 words8-9 words6-7 words < 6 words

Релаксация: Релаксация: Help Your Mother! Help Your Mother! Help your mother, set the table; Put a knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother, set the table Every afternoon. Help your mother, clear the table; Take a knife and spoon. Help your mother, clear the table Morning, night and noon.. Help your mother, set the table; Put a knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother, set the table Every afternoon. Help your mother, clear the table; Take a knife and spoon. Help your mother, clear the table Morning, night and noon..

7. Работа с текстами (структурирование) My Family. My Family. I am Jane Brown. Im 12. Id like to tell you about my family. Ive got a mother, a father, an elder brother and a younger sister. My grandma and granddad dont live with us. They live in another city. My grandparents are very kind and we love them very much. My mothers name is Mary Brown. She is 35. She is a beautiful slim woman. She likes cooking very much. Her cakes are so tasty! My fathers name is Paul Brown. He is 1 year older than our mother. My dad is a strong handsome man. He enjoys repairing his car. My sister Susan is 4 years younger than me. She is a pretty and smart girl. Susan likes walking with our dog in the park not far from our house. And she also often plays with her dolls. My elder brother John is a tall boy of 14. He is clever and sociable. His hobbies are playing computer games and football. As for me, I prefer reading books when I have free time. On Sundays I go shopping with my mum. I enjoy shopping. Our family is friendly. We always help each other. And we love each other too.

Линейная денотатная карта Names Age Appea rance What kind of Likes ( hobby)

Рефлексия Рефлексия Your mood: Your mood:

10. Заключительный этап Ты не ленись, а повтори: Ты не ленись, а повтори: Семья иначе … Она мечтает быть артисткой Моя сестренка – моя … Мой брат разбил сегодня вазу Мой брат – малыш, Мой братик - … Дядя Скрудж поехал в банк, Дядю называют … Дядю называют … Тетя! А теперь твой фант! Тетя по-английски … Тетя по-английски … Дочку как вы назовете? Дочка по-английски … Мой сынок испортил кран. Сын, сынишка значит … Ко мне пришел друг на обед Друг по-английски просто …

Thank you for your work today. It was fantastic! Now the lesson is over, good-bye!