Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Wireframe and Surface Design CATIA Training Exercises Version 5 Release 8 January 2002 EDU-CAT-E-WFS-FX-V5R8
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Table of Contents 1. Master Exercise: Mobile Phonep.3 Creating the wireframe geometryp.6 Creating the surfaces p.11 Trimming and joining the body surfaces p.14 Creating the part body p.18 Modifying the geometry p Recap Exercise: Buttonp.23 Creating the wireframe geometry p.24 Creating the surfaces p.26 Creating the solidp.28 Modifying the geometryp.31 3.Exercise: Wrench Bodyp.33 Creating the surface of the handlep.36 Creating a lofted surface to link the partsp.38 Creating the side surface of the headp.41 Creating a connecting surfacep.43 Completing the wrench bodyp.45
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Master Exercise Mobile Phone : Presentation In this exercise you will see how to create a mobile phone body using the Wireframe and Surface Design and Part Design workbenches: Creating wireframe elements (point, line, translate) Creating surfaces (sweep, extrude) Manipulating surfaces (trim, symmetry, join) Creating solid from surface (close, fillet, shell) Modifying the geometry 35 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Design Intent: Mobile Phone Creation of guide and center curves by using combine, lines, sketcher, and splines. Creation of surfaces using Sweep, Extrude and Revolution Operations on surfaces using Trim and Join Creation of solid from surfaces using Close, Fillet and Shell Modification of the geometry by changing parameters of the surface definition
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Design Process: Mobile Phone Enter the Wireframe and Surface Design workbench Create the surfaces 2 Trim and join the body surfaces 3 Create the part body 4 Enter the Part Design workbench Modify the geometry 5 Create the wireframe geometry 1
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Mobile Phone (Step 1): Creating the wireframe geometry In this step you will: Create the guide Create the profiles 10 min. Exercise
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (1) Mobile_phone_step1. CATPart Guide curve 1 Guide curve 2 1- Create these points : (0,0,9), (40,0,7.5), (60,0,6), (80,0,5.8) and (90,0,5.8). 2- Draw a spline passing through these points imposing a tangency condition with the X axis at the two extremities. 3- Create these points : (0,17,0), (20,20,0), (40,19,0), (60,18,0) and (90,18,0). 4- Draw a spline passing through these points imposing a tangency condition with the X axis at the last extremity. 5- Create a combine curve using the two previous spline curves. Rename it Guide curve 1 6- Create these points : (0,0,-3), (70,0,-4) and (90,0,-4). 7- Draw a spline passing through these points imposing a tangency condition with the X axis at the last extremity. 8- Create a combine curve using the last created spline curve and the second spline curve. Rename it Guide curve 2.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (2) 7- Create this sketch in the YZ plane : Rename it Profile Create this circle centered on the point (70,0,0): 9- Create the circle centered on the point (20,0,0):
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (3) 7- Create a combine curve using the first created spline and the second circle. Rename it Guide curve Create a combine curve using the third created spline and the second circle. Rename it Guide curve Create a combine curve using the first created spline and the first circle. Rename it Guide curve Create a combine curve using the third created spline and the first circle. Rename it Guide curve Create a line starting from the point (0,0,-300) and X directed (whatever its length, it will be used as an axis).
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (4) Create this sketch in the YZ plane and rename it Profile 2.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Mobile Phone (Step 2): Creating the surfaces In this step you will: Create swept surfaces Create extruded surfaces Create revolution surface 10 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (1) Mobile_phone_step2. CATPart 1- Create a swept surface using Guide curve 1 and Guide curve 2 as guide curves, the sketch Profile 1as profile and its two vertex points as anchor points. 2- Create a circle swept surface using Guide curve 3 and Guide curve 4 as guide curve and Profile 2 as profile and its two vertex points as anchor points. 3- Create a circle swept surface using Guide curve 5 and Guide curve 6 as guide curve and Profile 2 as profile and its two vertex points as anchor points. Note : switch on the option Position Profile for the two previous swept surfaces.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (2) 4- Extrude the spline 3 using the ZX plane as direction (Length=25mm). 5- Create a revolution surface using Spline 1 as profile and Line 1 as axis (Angle 1=0deg and angle 2=5deg).
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Mobile Phone (Step 3) : Trimming and joining the body surfaces In this step you will: Trim the surfaces Create symmetry 5 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (1) Mobile_phone_step3. CATPart 1- Trim the first created swept surface with the revolution surface. 2- Trim the previous trim surface with the extruded surface.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (2) 3- Trim the previous trim surface with the first circle swept surface. 4- Trim the last trim surface with the second circle swept surface.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (3) 5- Symmetrize the resulting surface using the XZ plane as reference and join it with the last trim surface.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Mobile Phone (Step 4) : Creating the part body In this step you will: Close the body surface into a solid Fillet the solid Shell the solid 5 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (1) Mobile_phone_step4. CATPart Access the Part Design workbench and define in work object the Solid body. 1- Close the surface Body surface. 2- Add variable fillets on the two side top edges (from 4mm to 2mm) 3- Add 1mm edge fillets on these four edges :
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (2) 4- Create a shell from the filleted close solid, selecting no face to remove :
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Mobile Phone (Step 5) : Modifying the geometry In this step you will: Modify the geometry by editing construction elements 5 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself Mobile_phone_step5. CATPart 1- Display the second spline and its points. 2- Double-click on Point.6 to change its Y component value to 16mm. You will modify the overall shape of the part by changing the parameters of a construction element.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Recap Exercise Button : Presentation In this exercise you will see how to create a button body using the Wireframe and Surface Design and Part Design workbenches: Creating the profiles Extruding the profile Creating the solid part Modifying the geometry 25 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Button (Step 1) : Creating the wireframe geometry In this step you will: Create the points Create the profile curves Create the direction lines 5 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself 1- Create 5 points : Pt1(0,0,5), Pt2(0,10,9), Pt3(0,23,7), Pt4(0,30,8), Pt5(-20,30,7) 2- Create a spline passing through Pt1 to Pt4 3- Create a line passing through Pt4 and Pt5 4- Draw a sketch on XY plane with two coincidences and a radius of 20mm 5- Draw a vertical line on YZ plane Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Spline.1 Line.1 Pt5 Pt1 Sketch on XY plane (4-)Line on YZ plane (5-)Points, Spline, Line (1-, 2-, 3-) Create the wireframe geometry: Button_step1.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Button (Step 2) : Creating the surfaces In this step you will: Create extruded surfaces 5 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself 1- Create the first extruded surface : select profile Sketch.1 and direction Sketch.2 2- Create the second extruded surface : select profile Spline.1 and direction Line.1 Spline.1 Line.1 Sketch.1 Sketch.2 Surface Extrude. 1 (1-)Surface Extrude. 2 ( 2-) Create the basic surfaces: Button_step2-3.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Button (Step 3) : Creating the solid In this step you will: Create a pad using the existing surfaces as limits Add fillets on edges Shell the part 10 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Sketch.3 on XY plane (1-)Sketch.4 YZ plane (2-) 1- Create a sketch (rectangular contour) on the XY plane 2- Create a sketch (trapezoidal contour) on the YZ plane Do It Yourself… (1) Button_step4.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Pad up to surface (3-)Split of pad (4-)Fillets (6-) 3- Create a pad on Sketch.3, up to the Extrude.2 surface 4- Split Pad.1 with Extrude.1 as splitting surface 5- Create a pad on Sketch.4 up to the Extrude.1 surface 6- Make 1.5 mm fillets on the 6 horizontal and vertical edges 7- Shell the bottom faces with 1mm (5 faces) Do It Yourself… (2) Pad up to surface (5-)Shell (7-)
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Button (Step 4) : Modifying the geometry In this step you will: Modify the geometry by moving the definition points of the spline and changing parameters in the Sketcher 5 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Double click on Pt3 and change the Z value to 5mm to modify the shape of the spline 2- Open Sketch.1 to change the radius value to 25mm Pt3 Sketch.1 (2-)Point on spline (1-) Do It Yourself Button_step5.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Wrench Body : Presentation In this exercise you will learn how to create a wrench body using the Wireframe and Surface Design and Part Design workbenches : Creating wireframe elements (point, line, spline) Creating surfaces (revolution, loft, sweep) Manipulating surfaces (symmetry, join) Creating solid from surface (close, extrude) 35 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Design Intent: Wrench Body Creation of guide, section and spine curves using spline, sketcher, project and split Creation of revolution, loft and sweep surfaces Creation of solid from surfaces using close and thick
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Design Process: Wrench Body Enter the Wireframe and Surface Design workbench Enter the Part Design workbench Create the surface of the handle 1 Create a lofted surface to link the parts 2 Create the side surface of the head 3 Create a connecting surface 4 Complete the wrench body 5
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Wrench body (Step 1) : Creating the surface of the handle In this step you will: Create the surface of the handle by revolving a spline defined in 3D. 5 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES In the WIREFRAME Open Body create three points : (115,7,0), (122,6,0) and (127,5,0). Rename them Point A, Point B and Point C. 2- Create a spline selecting Vertex 1 then points A to C and finally Vertex Impose horizontal tangency at the end points of the spline. 4- In the SURFACES Open Body create a surface, revolving the spline 360 degrees around the horizontal line of the sketch. (360-degree revolution is needed for the downstream close operation to create a solid in Part Design). Revolving surface (4-)Points, Spline (1-, 2-, 3-) Do It Yourself Spline 1 Vertex 2Vertex 1 A B C Wrench_body_step1.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Wrench body (Step 2) : Creating a lofted surface to link the parts In this step you will: Create a lofted surface to associate the head with the link. 10 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Plane and Sketch.3 (1-, 2-)Middle points (4-)Sketch.4 (3-) 1- In the WIREFRAME Open Body create a plane with a 7.2mm distance from the end face of the link. 2- On the created plane create an arc of a circle (radius =7.2). Define three coincidences, two between the end points of the arc and the H-axis of the Sketcher and one between the center point of the arc and the V-axis of the Sketcher. 3- On the bottom face of the head, create an arc passing through the two vertices of the face (radius =24). Define four coincidences, two between the arc and the vertices of the bottom face and two between the end points of the arc the the H-axis of the Sketcher. 4- Create the middle points of Sketch.3, Sketch.4 and of the edge curve of the link end face. Do It Yourself (1) Offset plane Link end face Sketch.3 Sketch.4 Head bottom face Middle points Wrench_body_step2.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Splines and line (5-, 6-)Symmetry and join (8-, 9-)Lofted surface (7-) 5- Create three splines, two passing through the two sets of end points of the three arcs and one passing through the set of middle points created on the three arcs. The three arcs are Sketch.3, Sketch.4 and the edge curve of the link end face. Impose an horizontal tangency to each spline on the link end. 6- Create a line normal to the end face to the link (length=20) from Point In the SURFACES Open Body create a lofted surface by selecting three sections (Sketch.3, Sketch.4 and the edge curve of the link end face), three guide curves (Spline.2, Spline.3 and Spline.4) and a spine (Line.1). 8- Apply a symmetry to the lofted surface with respect to the XY plane. 9- Join the lofted surface and the symmetry. Do It Yourself (2) Spline.2 Spline.3 Spline.4 Line.1 S1 S2 S3 G1 G2 G3 Spine
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Wrench body (Step 3) : Creating the side surface of the head In this step you will: Create the side surface of the head by sweeping a profile The profile and the guide curve are created from the existing curves by projection and re-limited. 10 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES In the WIREFRAME Open Body project Sketch.2 onto the top face of the head. 2- Create a line passing through two vertices of Project Split Project.1 with Line Project Split.1 onto the bottom face of the head. 5- Split Sketch. 4 with Split.1 then the result (Split.2) with Project In the SURFACES Open Body define the side surface: create a sweep with a profile (Split.3) and two guide curves (Split.1 and Project.2). Sketch.2 Projection (1-) Vertex Line. 2 Line and Split (2-, 3-) Project.1 Split.1 Project.2 Sketch. 4 Split.3 Projection and Splits (4-, 5-) Sweep (6-) Do It Yourself Project.2 Split.3 Split.1 Sweep.1 Wrench_body_step3.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Wrench body (Step 4) : Creating a connecting surface In this step you will: Create a connect surface at a junction by sketching the profile and revolving it 5 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES In the WIREFRAME Open Body sketch the fillet profile on XY plane. - activate the option Construction elements. - create lines on the bottom and top horizontal edges and on the vertical edge of the link by intersecting the 3D elements. - define two coincidences between the profile and the bottom horizontal edge and between the profile and the vertical edge, two horizontal tangencies at the ends of the profile and two radius constraints (18mm and 5 mm). 2- In the SURFACES Open Body create the surface by revolving Sketch. 5 around the horizontal axis of Sketch.1 (360deg). Sketch. 5 Sketch.5 (1-)Surface of revolution (2-) Do It Yourself Wrench_body_step4.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Wrench body (Step 5) : Completing the wrench body In this step you will: Create solids by extruding the surfaces Remove the exceeding solid by pocketing 5 min.
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Sweep.1 PartBody 1 Thick / Mirror / Close (2-, 3-, 4-) Revolute.1 Revolute.2 Join.1 1- Exit the Wireframe and Surface Design workbench and enter the Part Design workbench. 2- Thick the surface Sweep.1 by 1.5 mm inwards. 3- Mirror the PartBody. 4- Close the surfaces Revolute.1, Revolute.2 and Join. 1. Do It Yourself (1) Initial Part Wrench_body_step5.CATPart
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Sketch two rectangular contours on the XY plane and build four coincidences, two between the contours and the V-axis of the Sketcher and two between the contours and the corresponding horizontal edge of the head. 6- Remove the exceeding solid by pocketing (depth=20mm, Mirrored extent). Sketch.6 (5-) Do It Yourself (2) Pocket (6-)