Боробкова Юлия Андреевна, учитель английского языка
Say at what shops you can buy the following :
Answer the questions. What is the main shopping street in London ? How many shops are there in this street ? What are the most famous chain shops in London ? What store was founded by a Russian tradesman ? What shop is a tourist attraction in London like Buckingham Palace or the Tower of London ?
Many large food shops (supermarkets) are self-service.
T h e H e a r t o f L o n d o n S h o p p i n g
Londons most famous department store is Harrods Londons most famous department store is Harrods
It is the best known toy shop in the world. Opening hours : Regent Street, London Mon.- Fri – Sat – Sunday
They have created exclusive top of the range toys they re extra happy to put their name to. Hamleys Own Gorilla Hamleys Own Sharpei Hamleys Own Ginger Cat
Among the most popular of Londons markets is All sorts of goods are on sale, from fresh fruit and vegetables to hand- made crafts and antiques.
Be lucky while doing shopping !