A poem on Children
Why God Made Teachers ? God understood our thirst for knowledge, and our need to be led by someone wiser; He needed a heart of compassion, of encouragement, and patience; Someone who would accept the challenge regardless of the opposition; Someone who could see potential and believe in the best in others... So He made Teachers.
Misbehavior…..? For some students, misbehaving is the only way of gaining attention. Most commonly, these students are the ones who speak out without permission, arrive late for class, or make strange noises which force class or teacher attention.
Mistakes: Common misjudgements and errors
Point…Do NOT Accuse
Offer a CHOICE !
Share Feelings
Be honest even in praising !
Appreciate honestly
Corrective measures
Adolescents love choices and challenges
Children will quiet down when the teacher is quiet and waiting for their attention
Try to find at least one thing you can respect each student for - even if it's just showing up at school
It's not what you teach, but how you teach it that makes all the difference
Have a good balance of discipline and humour with the children
Never get into a power struggle with your students
How we can help ? More than being a director, assertive teachers build positive, trusting relationships with their students and teach appropriate classroom behaviour (via direct instruction...describing, modelling, practicing, reviewing, encouraging and rewarding) to those who don't show it at present