Киселева Людмила Васильевна - МОУ СОШ 21 Кроссворд по теме Sports and Olympics, разработан к учебнику 8 класса English 8, авторов Кузовлева В.П, Лапа Н.М. Кроссворд представлен в 2-х вариантах: 1)Первый вариант: слово – ответ появляется при клике по квадратикам, а вопросы при клике по цифре, при повторном клике по этой же цифре вопрос исчезает. 2) Второй вариант: вы впечатываете ответы в кроссворд. Принимайте поздравления при верно разгаданном кроссворде. Word puzzle 1 Word puzzle 2
Киселева Людмила Васильевна - МОУ СОШ 21 ENING Y C L I N G F C 43 ARERYH 6 A D M I N T O B N 5 3. This sport involves fighting with long thin swords. Sports and Olympics –Word Puzzle S K E T B B ELLBALYLV HCECKEOY U R D E S M N A S T I G C SAEBLENNTIT IWMM TE NG LEDMALDO A L L L F O O T B A FLG IGINK SNI Americans call it soccer. What is this in British English? 2. This sport is what has made Tiger Woods famous.7. In this popular sport, points are won by throwing a large ball through an open net hanging from a metal ring. 8. What sport does a gymnast do at the Olympics? 8. Chinas Liu Xiang came first at the hurdles race, winning a _________ for China. 4. A race which usually involves riding bicycles over a long distance. 5. This is a racquet sport like tennis. It is very popular in China. 6. This sport is played with a bow and arrow. 9. A game played on ice between two teams. 10. This Olympic sport is about running and jumping hurdles. 11. This is a racquet sport, almost like badminton. 12. This sport involves a lot of jumping and hitting of the ball back and forth. 13. This is a winter Olympic sport, which involves coming down slopes at high speed. 14. This is a water sport at the Olympics. 15. Asians, especially Chinese are good at this table sport.