The Doctors Advice Учитель английского языка МОАУ «Гимназия 7» (полного дня) Перепеляк Татьяна Геннадьевна.


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The Doctors Advice Учитель английского языка МОАУ «Гимназия 7» (полного дня) Перепеляк Татьяна Геннадьевна

Listening Comprehension Lesson The Doctors Advice Цель урока: -развитие навыков аудирования; -тренировка навыков монологической и диалогической речи

Listening Comprehension Lesson The Doctors Advice

Lets read the following words. Translate them. medicine, temperature, bad, bed, day, age, have, shall, gentleman, again, later, and, help

Answer some questions: 1)Does anyone in your family smoke? 2)Do you like it when people smoke? Why? 3)Is smoking good for health? Explain your opinion.

Lets learn some new words from the blackboard and remember the difficult words you can meet in the story. a quiet country place – тихая сельская местность to have a rest – отдохнуть pretty soon – очень скоро to start smoking – начать курить a cigar – сигарета, сигара

Make a sentences: You will recover … One cigar … Its not a joke… The doctor asked him … To go to …

Say true, false, dont know 1. The doctor listened to the gentleman's lungs and heart. 2. The doctor asked him to go to a quiet country place for a year. 3. The doctor told a gentleman to smoke just one cigar. 4. The gentleman came back two months later. 5. The doctor said that the gentleman didnt look younger. 6. The gentleman said that he felt all right. 7. He didnt want to go to bed early, to drink a lot of milk and walk a lot. 8. The gentlemen liked smoking.

Choose the correct answer. 1. a) The doctor asked the patient how he felt. b) The doctor listened to his lungs and heart, felt his pulse and blood pressure and took his temperature. 2. a) The doctor advised to go to a quiet country place for a month to have a rest. b) The doctor advised him to start smoking. 3. a) He didnt look younger and felt bad. b) He looked much younger and felt all right. 4. a) He went to bed early, drink milk and walked a lot. b) He didnt have a good rest. 5. a) I think the doctor was a good specialist. b) I think the doctor was not clever.

Translate sentences from Russian into English: 1)Как ты себя чувствуешь? – Не очень хорошо (я болен). 2)У Маши Болит горло и голова. 3)Анна простужена. Она чихает и кашляет. 4)Доктор вчера мне выписал лекарство от простуды. 5)Доктор сказал, что осмотрит больного.

Describe the picture. Make a dialogue. Act out the dialogue.

Список использованных источников: А) Наговицына О.В., Дзюина Е.В., Тагирова А.Р. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку. 5 кл. – М.: «ВАКО», 2005, 416 с. Б) Изображение доктора В) На приеме у врача