What is the weather like today?
Its overcast Its sunny Its cloudyIts rainy Its snowyIts thunder
What is the weather like today?
New words Damp - влажный, сырой
Brisk - свежий (о ветре)
Crisp - свежий, бодрящий, морозный Crisp air бодрящий морозный воздух
Overcast - затянутый облаками, хмурый Dull – мрачный
Chilly – холодный, прохладный Chilly forecast – прогноз периодов похолодания
Overcast – Dull – Chilly – Chilly forecast - затянутый облаками мрачный, хмурый мрачный холодный прохладный прогноз периодов похолодания New words
Guess the words Затянутый облаками Морозный Мрачный Холодный
Whats the weather like today? a)Put the words into the brackets b)Watch the video and notice the new words What is the weather like?
1 1- Its a beautiful day in New York. Its cool and its 1… 2- Its 2… OK! Well, its really 3… and cloudy, and its a bit 4… and a little windy. But its 5… a) overcast b) crisp c) Autumn d) pleasant e)crisp crisp Autumn overcast crisp pleasant What is the weather like?
Sound the film
1 Describe the weather 2 Interview the classmates, ask them What is the weather like today? What is the weather like today?
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