Автор : Мещерякова Юлия Сергеевна Название ОУ : МОУ СОШ 1, г. Серпухова Московской области
Spotlight on British Schools
Days Time MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday B R E A K Drama Science Art Maths English Literature Physical Education French History English Language Information Technology (I.T.)
Some Facts about Schools in Britain School year starts in September and ends in July. The school day starts at 9 and finishes at 1 oclock. They dont have lessons on Saturdays. British students have lunch at school. Schoolchildren usually wear a school uniform in Great Britain.
Do you like the lesson? I like the lesson I don like the lesson because I was active learnt more about schools in Britain did a lot of interesting exercises got a good/ bad marks didnt relax liked acting out the dialogue