Автор: Малахова Светлана Анатольевна, учитель иностранных языков МБОУ СОШ 5 города- курорта Анапа, Краснодарского края.
Where is my hat, my bright red hat? Where is my hat? Oh, where is my hat? The one I always love to wear. Is it in the wardrobe? No, it isnt there! Is it on the dressing table? No, it isnt there! Is it in the chest of drawers? Is it on the bed? No, it isnt anywhere because its on my HEAD!
Where is my hat, my bright red hat? Where is my hat? Oh, where is my hat? The one I always love to wear.
Where is my hat, my bright red hat? Where is my hat? Oh, where is my hat? The one I always love to wear.
Is it in the wardrobe? No, it isnt there!
Is it on the dressing table? No, it isnt there!
Is it in the chest of drawers? Is it on the bed?
No, it isnt anywhere because its on my HEAD!
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