People in the family. [a:] father aunt car plant [ æ ] Africa camel cat [ ʌ ] son husband Russia [ ð ] mother grandfather brother.


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People in the family

[a:] father aunt car plant [ æ ] Africa camel cat [ ʌ ] son husband Russia [ ð ] mother grandfather brother

Найдите спрятанные слова. 1. jokplmotherk 2.jthfsvjosonulf 3.kbrotheruhfbp 4.gtyhauntglmo 5.pgrandfathero


Найдите спрятанные слова. 1. jokplmotherk 2.jthfsvjosonulf 3.kbrotheruhfbp 4.gtyhauntglmo 5.pgrandfathero


Найдите спрятанные слова. 1. jokplmotherk 2.jthfsvjosonulf 3.kbrotheruhfbp 4.gtyhauntglmo 5.pgrandfathero


Найдите спрятанные слова. 1. jokplmotherk 2.jthfsvjosonulf 3.kbrotheruhfbp 4.gtyhauntglmo 5.pgrandfathero


Найдите спрятанные слова. 1. jokplmotherk 2.jthfsvjosonulf 3.kbrotheruhfbp 4.gtyhauntglmo 5.pgrandfathero


Допиши слова a u - - s – s t e - m – t h - r f – t h e r b r - t h e r g – a n m – t h - r u – c - e s – n h - s b – n d w – f -

Опиши картинку. Example: Its a family of five cats. The parents have got three children, two sons and a daughter.

Вставьте сказуемое. My name … Kate. I … 10 years old. I…good at school. My mother … a doctor. She … 37. My father … a pilot. He… 40. They … kind and clever. My family … very nice.

Helens letter.

Answer questions. 1. Has Helen got a family? 2. Is her family big or small? 3. Has she got a grandmother, grandfather? 4. Whats her fathers name? 5. What is her mothers name? 6. What is her aunt/uncle? 7. Why doesnt Kate go to school?

Choose the right answer: 1) She is from … a) Great Britain c) Africa b) America

Great Britain

2) She is … years old. a)12 b) 9 c) 10 3) Her mother is a … a) teacher b) housewife c) dentist

She is 9.

a teacher

4) Her father works in an … a) plant b) hospital c) office


5) They like to … together. a) play football c) roller-skate b)ride a bike


The Finger Family Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am, How do you do? Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am, How do you do? Brother Finger, Brother Finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am, How do you do? Sister Finger, Sister Finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am, How do you do? Baby Finger, Baby Finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

My Family Tree. We are family of… Ive got a… My mothers name is...

Задание на смекалку. Lets guess the riddles. 1.My mothers daughter is my …. 2.My fathers mother is my …. 3.My grandmothers son is my …. 4.My mother and my father are my …. 5.My fathers brother is my …. 6.My mothers sister is my ….