Sydney the state capital has a spectacular harbour, a rich colonial history, and a growing international reputation. Sydney is the most recognised city.


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Sydney the state capital has a spectacular harbour, a rich colonial history, and a growing international reputation. Sydney is the most recognised city.

Sydney Sydney. Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales and the most populous city in Australia. It is on Australia's south-east coast, on the Tasman.
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Sydney the state capital has a spectacular harbour, a rich colonial history, and a growing international reputation. Sydney is the most recognised city in Australia

Two easily recognizable landmarks which often depict Australia rather than just Sydney are the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.

Sydney is a huge city area wise but the city has spread out as far as it can go as it now borders 3 National Parks:the Royal National Park to the south, Kurangai Chase National Park in the north and the Blue Mountains National Park in the west. 1. South Sydney 2. North Sydney 3. Sydney Malls 123

The Blue Mountains is a popular place for Sydneysiders.The Blue Mountains can receive snow during the winter months. The area is heavily forested with steep cliff walls and some spectacular waterfalls. Colourful parrots, and other birds are abundant, and quite often they come really close to people when they are looking for food.

Australian animal park in the heart of Sydney WILD LIFE. Comely koalas are one of the most recognizable animals in the world and are found only in Australia.