Разработка урока по английскому языку в 9 классе Подготовила: учитель английского языка МБОУ ООШ п.Усть-Кара Хафизова Дина Вильсуровна The Constitution of the Russian Federation is 20
R Read the words with the sound -tion [n]: constitution declaration revolution protection education formation information discrimination prohibition prevention
Listen, repeat and recite this poem: This year, 2013, we celebrate The 20 th Constitution Day For us, united by a common fate, This holiday is very great, Because it gives us freedom And all of human rights.
Read and translate these words: voter - ['vəutə] – избиратель proclaim - [prə'kle ɪ m] - провозглашать revere - [r ɪ 'v ɪ ə] – почитать sovereignty - ['s ɔ vrənt ɪ ] – суверенитет multinational - [ ˏ m ʌ l ɪ 'næ ʃ nəl] – многонациональный liberty - ['l ɪ bət ɪ ] - воля
Answer the questions, please: What can you see in the picture? When was the last Constitution adopted? Have you read this document? Do you think its important for you to know this document? Why?
Everyone have the right to …LIVE Basic general … shall be compulsory. Parents or guardians shall ensure that children receive a basic general education. EDUCATE All persons shall be … before the law and the court. EQUALITY Everyone shall have the right to use his (her) native language and to a free choice of the language of …, … and … work. COMMUNICATE EDUCATE CREATE Everyone shall be guaranteed … of … and speech. FREE SPEAK The freedom of the mass media is ….GUARANTEE Everyone shall have the right freely to use his (her) labour skills and to choose the type of … and …. ACTIVE OCCUPY Everyone shall have the right to ….RESTFUL Everyone shall have the right to … protection and medical care. HEALTHY Complete the sentences with the word on the right in its appropriate form.
Children must receive a basic general education.
Everyone has the right to rest.
We have the right to health protection and medical care.
Thank you for the lesson! Good bye!