Present ContinuousPresent Simple Am / is / are + V-ing V – infinitive / V-s Do / does + V - infinitive
Present ContinuousPresent Simple The water is boiling. Can you turn it off ? Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Present ContinuousPresent Simple Временная ситуация Постоянная ситуация Im living with some friends until I find a place of my own. My parents live in London. They have lived there all their lives.
Present ContinuousPresent Simple I always go to work by car.Ive lost my pen. Im always losing things. Я всегда езжу на работу на машине. ( Я делаю это всё время ) Вечно я теряю ручки. ( я раздражён этим )
Не употребляются в Present Continuous Употребляются только в Present Simple Im hungry. I want something to eat.
like love hate want need prefer know, realise suppose mean understand believe remember belong fit contain consist seem