The holiday of love! There is so many days in the year when we pronounce these pleasant words. But the best of them is St.Valentines Day. There is so.


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Pakina Evgeniya. ддд St. Valentine's Day has roots in several different legends. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid, the Roman god.

St.Valentine's Day has roots in several different legends. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day in Cupid, the Roman good of Love who is represented.
St. Valentines Day. Symbols to celebrate to call to give St.Valentines Day.
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PRESENTS Valentine's Day is a special time when people tell each other that they love them and care about them. To celebrate the date, people send special.
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Intellectual Game Saint Valentines Day. Saint Valentines Day Tomorrow is Saint Valentines Day All in the morning betime, And I a maid at your window To.
St. Valentine`s Day. Миронова Людмила 7 « В » класс школа 9 г. Гатчина 2014 год.
St.Valentines Day roots in several different legends that have found their way to us through the ages. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day.

The 14 th of February… St. Valentines day. Every February we celebrate Valentines Day by giving flowers, candy and cards to those we love. We do this.
LOVE! HAPPINESS! BEAUTY! L O V E M E … Boys, girls, sweethearts, lovers, husbands, wives, friends, neighbours, office- staff exchange greetings.
учебный год. 1. What is to get a red mitten on Valentines Day? a) your lover likes you; b) your lover doesnt like you; c) your liver doesnt.
Intellectual Game Saint Valentines Day. Saint Valentines Day Tomorrow is Saint Valentines Day All in the morning betime, And I a maid at your window To.
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Some facts about British traditional holidays Done by: Irina Kalgina, Viktoriya Chibisova Project supervisor: Natal'ya Solodovnikova Talovaya,2009 Talovaya,2009.
St. Valentines Day. The Plan the history the symbols think and answer.
Valentines Day. Many countries celebrate St. Valentines Day on February 14th. This modern-day holiday is a celebration of love which gets its name from.
The first true Valentine card was probably written by a young Frenchman, Charles, Duke of Orleans. Charles was captured by the English and imprisoned.

The holiday of love! There is so many days in the year when we pronounce these pleasant words. But the best of them is St.Valentines Day. There is so many days in the year when we pronounce these pleasant words. But the best of them is St.Valentines Day.

St. Valentines Day has roots in several different legends. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid, the Roman god of love, who is represented by the image of a young boy with a bow and arrow. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid, the Roman god of love, who is represented by the image of a young boy with a bow and arrow.

День св. Валентина восходит корнями к нескольким легендам. Один из самых ранних символов этого дня – Купидон, римский бог любви, который представлен в образе маленького мальчика с луком и стрелой. Один из самых ранних символов этого дня – Купидон, римский бог любви, который представлен в образе маленького мальчика с луком и стрелой.

The second legend Valentine was Christian priest who lived in the 3 century A.D.He was put into prison by Roman authorities for the teaching and was beheaded on February 14.He performed a miracle – he cured his jailers daughter of her blidness.Before the execution he wrote her a letter signed From Your Valentine. Valentine was Christian priest who lived in the 3 century A.D.He was put into prison by Roman authorities for the teaching and was beheaded on February 14.He performed a miracle – he cured his jailers daughter of her blidness.Before the execution he wrote her a letter signed From Your Valentine. Валентин был христианским священником, который жил в 3 веке до Р.Х. Он был помещён в тюрьму за своё учение римскими властями и был обезглавлен 14 февраля. Согласно легенде, он сотворил чудо: исцелил дочь тюремщика от слепоты. Перед казнью он написал: « От Вашего Валентина» Валентин был христианским священником, который жил в 3 веке до Р.Х. Он был помещён в тюрьму за своё учение римскими властями и был обезглавлен 14 февраля. Согласно легенде, он сотворил чудо: исцелил дочь тюремщика от слепоты. Перед казнью он написал: « От Вашего Валентина»

The third legend. According to another legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire. The legend says that he was burnt at the stake According to another legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire. The legend says that he was burnt at the stake

Cогласно ещё одной легенде Валентин был итальянским епископом, который жил приблизительно в то же время. Он был брошен в тюрьму, потому что он тайно венчал пары, хотя это было запрещено законами римской империи. В легенде говорится, что он был сожжён на костре.

Now St. Valentines day is the day of sweethearts. On this day people show their friends relatives and loved ones that they care. People send candy or flowers to those whom they love. Now St. Valentines day is the day of sweethearts. On this day people show their friends relatives and loved ones that they care. People send candy or flowers to those whom they love.

Most people send valentines", greeting cards named after St. Valentines letters written from jail. Most people send valentines", greeting cards named after St. Valentines letters written from jail. Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly. Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly. Valentines can be anonymous. Valentines can be anonymous. They can be heart-shaped or can carry hearts on them. They can be heart-shaped or can carry hearts on them. People buy them or make them themselves. People buy them or make them themselves.

Heres a special valentine. Heres a special valentine. With lots of love for you With lots of love for you.And since youre very special..And since youre very special. Here are hugs and kisses, too. Here are hugs and kisses, too.

Love, love me do, You know I love you, Ill always be true, So please, love me do/ Someone to love, Somebody new, Someone to love Someone like you/