Welcome!!!!. The weather and seasons. What is it? back 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 4 Winter Spring Summer Autumn.


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Spring is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is yellow. Winter is white.
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[m] [R] [ei] [h] [ai] [qu] [x] skate, game, player summer, month, computer park, mark, star hello, horse, honey nice, five, July home, nose, yellow cat,
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The weather and seasons.

What is it? back Winter Spring Summer Autumn

12 months! January March July December June October August May September November April February back 5m2

Whats the weather? b b o o t t l l s s c c e e e e u u h h m m g g n n l l d d w w y y a a r r i i n n r r back

Happy birthday to …!

Make word-combination To celebrate To get To invite To decorate To light To eat a birthday a present a candle a birthday card, an yummy cake guests the room

Lets translate! 6) Завтра мы не скушаем вкусный торт. 1) Now I am celebrating my birthday. 1)Сейчас я праздную мой день рождения. 2) Каждый день он получает подарки. 3) Завтра мы пригласим гостей. 4) Сейчас они не украшают комнату. 5) Каждое утро она не зажигает свечи. 2) Every day he gets presents. 3) Tomorrow we will invite the guests. 4) Now they are not decorating a room. 5) Every morning she doesnt light the candles. 6) Tomorrow we will not eat an yummy cake.