Выполнила: ученица 4 «А» класса ГОУ СОШ 1192 г.Москва Аленнинская Анна Педагог: Ремнева И.Ю. 2010 – 2011 уч.год.


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Выполнила: ученица 4 «А» класса ГОУ СОШ 1192 г.Москва Аленнинская Анна Педагог: Ремнева И.Ю – 2011 уч.год

Description The dingo has intense eyes that vary in colour from yellow to orange. The very mobile, small, rounded ears are naturally erect.

Its fur is thick and comes in a range of colours, from light sandy tan, to reddish, dark brown or black.

It is of medium size and has a sharp muzzle, short legs and a bushy tail.

Dingoes do not bark in the wild, but do have a distinctive howl.

Height Weight Height: inches ( ,5 см ) Weight: About pounds ( kg)

Menu Dingoes will eat almost anything but they prefer sheep, wallabies and kangaroos. Dingo hunts at night.

It kills the victim with sharp teeth for a one bite. Dingo hunts alone, in pairs but seldom in packs.

Babies It has babies from May to April.

A wild dog Dingo lives for about 10 – 14 years.

html html 3. avstrali/dingo.html avstrali/dingo.html 4. go-pups-at-perth-zoo-2885/ go-pups-at-perth-zoo-2885/ 5. /Canis_lupus /Canis_lupus