Презентация по английскому языку ученицы школы 1905 7 класса«А» Шегуровой Ксении.


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Презентация по английскому языку ученицы школы класса«А» Шегуровой Ксении

Моя любимая книга My favorite book

My favorite book is called «Talisman». It was written by Alan Frewin Jones. This book is not very popular in Russia but it is a bestseller in foreign countries.

This book is about adventures of two friends- Olivya and Jorsh. They travel all over the world and look for precious moon talismans which are necessary to them to remove a damnation. Olivya`s family was damned because many years ago her great-grandfather stole ancient Egypt roll.

But the roll was lost, so Olivya and Jorsh are trying to find roll`s copy in the Hall of Manuscripts which opens by Moon Talismans But the roll was lost, so Olivya and Jorsh are trying to find roll`s copy in the Hall of Manuscripts which opens by Moon Talismans.

I like this book because I am fond of adventures. Everything is described in a very interesting manner. When I read this book I visit ancient temples, tombs and travel all over the world!

I think this book is worth reading. I recommend you to go to the library and borrow it. Im sure you will devour page after page with great pleasure.