Wonders of the World
The Pyramids of Giza Пирамида Хеопса The tomb of Fourth Dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu built on the Nile River near the city of Cairo
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon Висячие сады Семирамиды A series of landscaped terraces
The Statue of Zeus Статуя Зевса в Олимпии A structure that occupied the whole width of the aisle of the temple that was build to house it and was about 12 metres tall
The Temple of Artemis Храм Артемиды Эфесской A shrine dedicated to one of the Greek goddesses which was burnt down by Herostr atus in an attempt to achieve lasting fame
The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus Мавзолей в Геликарнсе A tomb of the Anatolian king built by his widow in the middle of the 3 rd century B.C.
The Colossus of Rhodes Колосс Родосский A giant statue of the Greek god Helios or Apollo roughly the same as todays statue of Liberty in New York
The Lighthouse at Alexandria Александрийский маяк A structure between metres tall, it was among the tallest man-made structures on Earth for many centuries and kept a fire burning nightly which could be seen many miles out in the Mediterranean