The Comparison of Adjectives Урок английского языка. 7 класс. Автор: Плешакова О. С.


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Подготовила: Бирук М.Г.. Today we are going to know about degrees of comparison of adjectives to read the text to do different exercises.
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Pets and other animals. fast short quiet beautiful interesting long A shop assistant has got a quiet tortoise. slow noisy ugly boring.
2 СТЕПЕНИ СРАВНЕНИЯ : IIIIII Положительная СравнительнаяПревосходная большойбольшесамый большой.
Степени сравнения прилагательных. Прилагательные в английском языке не изменяются по числам и падежам, но, как и в русском языке имеют положительную,
Имена прилагательные в английском языке имеют три степени сравнения: положительную (the Positive Degree), сравнительную (the Comparative Degree) превосходную.
?????? 1 Compare Russia is a big country. Russia is bigger than Great Britain. Russia is the biggest country in the world. 2.
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Being happy in the city in the county and. ['t ɔ :ment] [pəul] [sku:l] ['dra:mə] ['məu ʃ (ə)n] [mju:'zi:əm] ['jeləu] ['waiə]

The Comparison of Adjectives Урок английского языка. 7 класс. Автор: Плешакова О. С.

High high er theest

The cat is big. The tiger is bigerg than the cat. The lion isthebiggest of them.

The dog is angry. The tiger is angry than the dog. i The crocodile is the angr er esty of them. i

Belfast Edinburgh London Beautiful beautiful morebeautiful the mostbeautiful

Check yourself

Sweet Hot Interesting Happy Fat Famous Cold Sweeter Hotter More interesting Happier Fatter More famous Colder The sweetest The hottest The most interesting The happiest The fattest The most famous The coldest