TOLERANCE Everybody of us is an individual. It's so insignificant and at the same time it's such an important thing.


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Everybody of us is an individual. It's so insignificant and at the same time it's such an important thing.

We have different colors of eyes, hair, skin, we speak different languages and each of us has his own worldview

But we all live on the same planet, have two arms and two legs, we all cry, laugh, suffer and love each other.

We have our common history and today we are making our future. Isn't it enough to respect and perceive other culture, viewpoint, person?

We want everybody to think these things over. Only in this case we'll be able to make the world kinder and brighter.

Let's be tolerant! We do deserve it, because everybody of us is an individual.

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Student – Nadezhda Nikolaeva Teacher – Vasilyeva S.N.