SEASONS and the weather Автор:Остафийчук С.В, учитель английского языка Красносельской школы-интерната.. Подольский район, 2012
Listen and repeat spring autumn green yellow cool wet summer winter bright white hot cold
ПУТАНИЦА psring - tew - umerms – tho - autmun - colo - iterwn - olcd –
Lets sing a song! Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white.
ВРЕМЕНА ГОДА. Зеленью весна одета, Ярким солнцем полно лето, С желтой осенью дружу, Белую я зиму жду !
Домашнее задание
Spring comes after Summer comes after Autumn comes after ………… Winter comes after ………….
Найди слова
A Fairy- tale 4 daughters
Жил – был a на белом свете. He has 4 (S).They are nice and good. The очень (S) his 4 ( S ). The разрешает каждой из них to be a for 3 months.
His 1 likes white. She is white. Когда she is the, all становится white. White (ES), white (S), white (S), white (S).
His next likes green. She is green. Когда she is the, all становится green. Green, green (S), green (S), green (S).
His next likes bright. She is bright. Когда she is the, all становится bright – the, bright (S), bright (S), and bright (S).
His next likes yellow. She is yellow. Когда she is the, all становится yellow – yellow, yellow (S), yellow (S), yellow (S).
_____ is green and cool. _______ is bright and hot. ______ is yellow and wet. ______ is white and cold.
Spring is green and cool. Summer is bright and hot. Autumn is yellow and wet. Winter is white and cold.
Составь предложения My birthday spring. My Mummys birthday is in summer. My Daddys birthday autumn. winter.
Dear Mummy, Happy Birthday to you! Love, ……….
Вставь пропущенные буквы Wh…te, co…l, gre…n, aut…mn, yell…w, w…nter, spr…ng, w…t, c…ld, br…ght, h..t.
Сделай проверку White, cool, green, autumn, yellow, winter, spring, wet, cold, bright, hot
Write down your homework, please! Write down your homework, please! Учебник стр G o o d b y e !