II Всероссийский дистанционный конкурс по английскому языку Подготовил: ученик 3 В класса МБОУ НШ-ДС 43 г. Сургута Рубан Артём «MY TOY STORY»
Hallo! My name is Artem. I am nine.
I have got a lot of toys. These are my toys: cars, robots, balls, soft toys, metal, plastic and electronic construction sets.
I like to play LEGO very much. I can make robots, cars, planes, ships and boats.
I like to play board games: chess, Activity, backgammon. I play with my parents and friends.
Ive got a lot of soft toys. They are dogs, teddy bears, snakes, pigs, one squirrel and my favourite Mickey Mouse.
My squirrels name is Scrat. He is two years old. It is my prize. I won him at shooting-range in Lermontovo in 2011.
My favourite toy is Mickey Mouse. He is six years old. Its a present from my cousin Ilia. My Mickey is from Hong Kong Disneyland. I like hugging and sleeping with Mickey. I take him with me in my summer trips.