LVD, located in the hall A of the LNGS, is a neutrino observatory mainly designed to study low energy neutrinos from gravitational stellar collapses.


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LVD H=3650 m.w.e. H min =3650 m.w.e. =280 GeV E th = 2.2TeV at sea level -rate (1 tower)~ 120 h -1 Stopping muon rate (1 counter) trigger:
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LVD, located in the hall A of the LNGS, is a neutrino observatory mainly designed to study low energy neutrinos from gravitational stellar collapses. It is in operation since 1992, under different larger configurations. The final upgrade took place in 2001, when LVD became fully operational, with an active mass M=1000 t. LVD consists of an array of 840 scintillator counters arranged in a compact and modular geometry. 1m 1.5m

Two different discrimination channels 1.High energy threshold at HET =7 MeV for the external counters (43%), and at HET =4 MeV for internal ones (57%) better shielded from rock radioactivity 2.All counters are equipped with an additional discrimination channel,set at a lower threshold, LET =0.8 MeV which is active for 1 ms after HET pulse, for the detection 22м

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