Pluto Презентация ученика 7 классаПрезентация ученика 7 класса МОУ «СОШ 12 г.Йошкар-Олы»МОУ «СОШ 12 г.Йошкар-Олы» Бочарова Дениса Бочарова Дениса.


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Pluto Презентация ученика 7 классаПрезентация ученика 7 класса МОУ «СОШ 12 г.Йошкар-Олы»МОУ «СОШ 12 г.Йошкар-Олы» Бочарова Дениса Бочарова Дениса

Pluto is the 9 th planet in the Solar System.

Pluto was discovered in It has 1 moon.

Pluto consists of metan, ice and stones. That is why its surface is dark grey. The temperature of Pluto is minus 200 degrees.

A day on this planet is longer than on the Earth. It takes 6,3 days. It takes 248 years to orbit the Sun.

Its diameter is 2300 kilometers. Nowadays Pluto doesnt exist as a planet because of its small size.