Стилистический анализ сказки Оскара Уайльда « Великан – эгоист»
Стилистические приемы Лексические Персонификация ПерсонификацияEx: … the trees forgot to blossom… … the trees forgot to blossom… Once a flower put its head out from the grass, but when it saw…it went off to sleep. Once a flower put its head out from the grass, but when it saw…it went off to sleep. The only people who were pleased were the Snow and the Frost. The only people who were pleased were the Snow and the Frost. The Hail was dressed in grey and his breath was ice. The Hail was dressed in grey and his breath was ice. The Snow and The Frost danced. The Snow and The Frost danced.
Стилистические приемы Лексические Персонификация ПерсонификацияEx: - The Snow covered up the grass with her great white cloak and the Frost painted all the trees silver. - The Snow covered up the grass with her great white cloak and the Frost painted all the trees silver. The trees were waving their arms gently. The trees were waving their arms gently.
Стилистические приемы Лексические Сравнения Сравнения Ex: Ex: …beautiful flowers like stars. …beautiful flowers like stars.
Стилистические приемы Лексические Преувеличения/ Преуменьшения Ex: a tiny boy; so full of tears; the most beautiful garden they have ever seen.
Стилистические приемы Лексические Метафоры Метафоры Ex: Ex: …his heart melted; …his heart melted; …the awe fell on him; …the awe fell on him; …the children are the most beautiful flowers of all. …the children are the most beautiful flowers of all.
Стилистические приемы Лексические Прием контраста Ex: Spring – Autumn Little children – the Giant Little children – high walls The beautiful garden – a dusty road, full of stones
Аллюзия на Библейский сюжет Аллюзия на Библейский сюжет Ex: Ex: For one of the palms of the childs hands were the prints of two nails, and the prints of two nails were on the little feet. For one of the palms of the childs hands were the prints of two nails, and the prints of two nails were on the little feet. …my garden which is Paradise… …my garden which is Paradise…
Стилистические приемы Синтаксические Повторы и параллельные синтаксические конструкции Повторы и параллельные синтаксические конструкции Ex: Ex: for ever and ever; for ever and ever; How happy we are here! How happy we are here! … How happy we were there … How happy we were there You let me play in your garden, today you shall come to my garden. You let me play in your garden, today you shall come to my garden. …looked and looked. …looked and looked.
Стилистические приемы Фонетические Аллитерация Аллитерация Ex: Ex: … a large lovely garden… … a large lovely garden… The birds sat on trees and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games to listen to them. The birds sat on trees and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games to listen to them. He (the North Wind) was wrapped in firs, and he roared all day… blew the chimney – pots down…rattled on the roof… He (the North Wind) was wrapped in firs, and he roared all day… blew the chimney – pots down…rattled on the roof…
Стилистические приемы Графические Капитализация начальных букв Капитализация начальных букв Ex: Ex: The Hail was dressed in grey … The Hail was dressed in grey … The Snow and The Frost …danced The Snow and The Frost …danced
Выводы В сказках Оскара Уайльда (на примере сказки «Эгоист – Великан») используется значительное количество разнообразных стилистических приемов, которые создают неповторимый общую атмосферу и задают ритм повествованию. В сказках Оскара Уайльда (на примере сказки «Эгоист – Великан») используется значительное количество разнообразных стилистических приемов, которые создают неповторимый общую атмосферу и задают ритм повествованию. Благодаря точно выбранному слову писателя, читатель может услышать стук града по крыше и вой зимнего ветра, почувствовать ледяное дыхание зимней стужи и увидеть цветущий сад. Благодаря точно выбранному слову писателя, читатель может услышать стук града по крыше и вой зимнего ветра, почувствовать ледяное дыхание зимней стужи и увидеть цветущий сад. Глубокие идеи у Уайльда облекаются в сказочную форму, но все же не меняют своей сути. Глубокие идеи у Уайльда облекаются в сказочную форму, но все же не меняют своей сути.
Аралова Александра 403 A 2006