WELLNESS LIFESTYLE. WELLNESS is Journey which begins at the moment of our birth (Edison) Выполнил: ученик 7 класса Б МОУ СОШ 3 Романов Евгений Руководитель: Пенчикова Н.А.
Цель работы: Wellness Lifestyles: What Is It? What Is It? What ingredients What ingredients make up a quality life make up a quality life and influence our health and influence our health and mood? and mood? Why do people Why do people demonstrate demonstrate their great interest their great interest to wellness to wellness lifestyle? показать, что благополучие это способ жить и быть счастливым.
What is WELLNESS in your understanding?
Какие сферы человеческой жизни включает в себя слово благополучие?
Ask Yourself What do I consider important in a quality life?What do I consider important in a quality life? Что я считаю важным в создании здорового образа жизни? Which quality-of-life ingredients are most important to me?Which quality-of-life ingredients are most important to me? Какие компоненты являются более значимыми для меня? Какие компоненты являются более значимыми для меня? What can I do to help myself attain those ingredients?What can I do to help myself attain those ingredients? Как я могу помочь себе сам в формировании качественного образа жизни? Как я могу помочь себе сам в формировании качественного образа жизни? How can I plan to do the right things?How can I plan to do the right things? Как я могу спланировать правильно свой образ жизни? Как я могу спланировать правильно свой образ жизни?
Having positive self-image; Setting and reaching goals; Planning my time and day; Exercising and sport activities; Choosing healthy nutrition for good health; Learning about harmful effect of drugs, alcohol, effect of drugs, alcohol, tobacco. tobacco.
Why do people demonstrate their great interest to WELLNESS LIFESTYLE? They want to be healthy and happy.They want to be healthy and happy. Many people come to understanding that they can control their lifestyle and much depends on themselves.Many people come to understanding that they can control their lifestyle and much depends on themselves. Social changes take place in the countries and they reflect the interest of people to their lifestyle.Social changes take place in the countries and they reflect the interest of people to their lifestyle. There in scientific evidence which explains the risks of alcohol and drugs, the benefits of exercising, playing sports and healthy food.There in scientific evidence which explains the risks of alcohol and drugs, the benefits of exercising, playing sports and healthy food. New athletic facilities.New athletic facilities.