Science Society
RoomActivitySign 1302Make your team congratulations 2303'CSS' rules 3321Entering Quiz 4320Anthem 5318Draw the Emblem contest 6304Would you like to be a member of … Team Route-Card You have 15 min. for each activity. Change the room after the bell.
Science Society
Gaudeamus igitur, Juvenes dum sumus! Post jucundam juventutem, Post molestam senectutem Nos habebit humus! Vivat Academia! Vivant professores! Vivat membrum quodlibet! Vivant membra quaelibet! Semper sint in flore! Гаудэамус игитур, Ювэнэс дум сумус! Пост юкундам ювэнтутэм, Пост молестам сэнэктутэм, Нос габебит хумус! Виват Акадэмиа! Вивант профессорэс! Виват мембрум кводлибэт! Вивант мембра квэлибэт! Семпер синт ин флёрэ! }} 2 times } }
Teams name __________________________ School ____________________________ Class ________________________________ Membership __________________________ Tutor _________________________________
You are invited to our next meeting titled Christmas Holiday on January, 15. Each of the teams has the task to prepare materials about Christmas and present them any way you would like: computer presentation movies fairy tale quiz, etc. You ll be informed about the time and the place of our meeting. We are looking forward to your attendance and participation!