Multithreshold decoders based on PLIS Xilinx * * * * * * * Space Research Institute RAS NIIRadio
V.V.Zolotarev. MTD_PLIS_Xilinx2 Chipset of MTD decoder in PLIS Xilinx
V.V.Zolotarev. MTD_PLIS_Xilinx3 This is convolutional MTD with R=1/2, d=5, 3 iterations Рис. 1. Многопороговый декодер сверточного СОК с R=1/2, d=5 и n A =14
V.V.Zolotarev. MTD_PLIS_Xilinx4
5 Plosibilities of MTD in PLIS Xilinx 1. Decoding speeds Mbit/s ( and else more - in the nearest future) 1. Decoding speeds Mbit/s ( and else more - in the nearest future) 2. Code gain G~7,5 -9 dB and more - just now! 2. Code gain G~7,5 -9 dB and more - just now! 3. Code rates R=1/4 - 5/6 - arbitrary - for all kinds of signals. 3. Code rates R=1/4 - 5/6 - arbitrary - for all kinds of signals. 4. The net cost will quickly diminish from $30000 (development!) up to $300 - $1000 for middle and little series 4. The net cost will quickly diminish from $30000 (development!) up to $300 - $1000 for middle and little series
V.V.Zolotarev. MTD_PLIS_Xilinx6 The scientific and technological revolutions in coding
V.V.Zolotarev. MTD_PLIS_Xilinx In Russia: In Russia: Work tel , mоb.: , V.V.Zolotarev