a shirt a T-shirt a sweater jeans trousers shorts.


Похожие презентации
A coat Jeans A hat A T-shirt A dress Mittens Boots A scarf shoes.

Clothes EXCELLENT 1 UNIT 6 a shirt a T-shirt a skirt a dress a sweater a hat a jacket trousers jeans shoes shorts socks.
Цели нашего урока: 1.Развитие навыков произношения 2.Ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме «CLOTHES» 3.Формирование навыков устной речи и говорения. 4.Совершенствование.
Clothes Shopping for clothes. Fur coat Boots Fur cap Mittens Winter.
Clothes dress shoes raincoat coat jacket trousers.
What is the weather like today? Is it snowy? Is it sunny? Is it windy?
G W B J A C K E T S T S H I R T Q P V H Y L S K I R T V O L O I V S H O E S G R D R E S S M A V X T P J T R A I N E R S Q E W I B B C A P K Y A M I T.
Clothes Shopping for clothes Чучалина Н.В. Учитель английского языка.
Презентация по теме: Для учащихся 6 класса.. Hello! My name is Mike. I`m a shop assistant. Let`s go to our department store! I can show you many interesting.
Put the words into columns, according to the rules of reading [e], [æ], [ı], [i:], [ Λ ]: Put the words into columns, according to the rules of reading.
CLOTHES ОДЕЖДА. Winter clothes mittens sweater coat boots scarf.
Nice to meet you!!!. It can tell you all the day: time to sleep and time to play. a clock.
Создано Токмаковой Евгенией Александровной ГОУ СО ш 292 учитель английского языка (2011)
CLOTHES Phonetic drill [æ] man, sad, cat, hat, jacket [u: ] took, soon, look, boots, shoes [ou] go, nose, stone, coat, raincoat, clothes [ ə :] girl, bird,
ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ на тему: « Диалогическая речь в английском языке ».
Разработка урока в 4 классе Пашатова Екатерина Анатольевна учитель английского языка МБОУ-СОШ 35 г. Белгорода.
Red blue pink green brown. grey skirt pink dress white t-shirt This is a …
Презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме: презентация на Английском языке "Ресторан"
Shopping for food. Hello! Im Billy. game There is a/an…. There are….

a shirt a T-shirt a sweater

jeans trousers shorts

a scarf a hat mittens

Тim: Excuse me, can you show me the trousers? Shop Assistant: Yes, here you are. Tim: How much are they? Shop assistant: Ten pounds. Tim: Here are you. Shop assistant: Thank you. Shop assistant: Can I help you? Tim: Can you show me the jacket, please. Shop assistant: Here you are. Tim: Great! It`s nice and warm! Shop assistant: Good anything else? (Что-нибудь еще?) Тim: No, thank you. That`s all.

Песня «Cobbler» Cobbler, cobbler Mend my shoe Let it done by half past two Half past two is at the door Let it done by half past four

Соедини слово с соответствующим рисунком Shirt T-shirt Dress Hat Jeans Shoes Skirt