10 most popular languages: 1. Mandarin Chinese million 2. Spanish million 3. English million 4. Arabic million 5. Hindi million 6. Portuguese million 7. Bengali million 8. Russian million 9. Japanese million 10. German - 96 million
1.The European Day of Languages is celebrated annually on 26 September. 2. It is a Europe-wide celebration of language and culture involving 47 countries.involving 47 countries 3. It is an initiative organised by the Council of Europe.Council of Europe 4. It is coordinated in the UK by CILT, the National Centre for Languages.CILT, the National Centre for Languages is the 10th European Day of Languages. 6. The first European Day of Languages was held in the European Year of Languages in It has a European website It's a celebration of all languages, not just European ones. 9. Everyone can get involved! 10. Its brilliant fun!
What countries do these flags belong to? Bulgaria Belgium Austria Portugal
Malta Cyprus Italy France
Greece Ireland Finland Spain Netherlands
CountryCapitalLanguageSay Hello Salut Dutch Spain Rome Turkish Zdraveite Greece Oslo
Check your answers CountryCapitalLanguageSay Hello FranceParisFrenchSalut NetherlandsAmsterdamDutchDag SpainMadridSpanishHola ItalyRomeItalianCiao TurkeyAnkaraTurkishMerhaba BulgariaSofiaBulgarianZdraveite GreeceAthenesGreekKαλημέρα FinlandOsloFinnishTerve, Hei
Sort the following Russian words into the correct column referring to the languages they came from: English, French, German, Italian Кроссворд, банк, шляпа, журнал, сквер, лимузин, айсберг, ракета, бумеранг, бандит, бутерброд, одеколон, интернет, фортепиано, волан, шлягер, мемуары, трамвай, газета, фейерверк, суп, джинсы, режиссер, помидор, календарь, спортсмен, галстук.
English: Кроссворд, сквер, бумеранг, интернет, трамвай, джинсы, спортсмен French: Журнал, лимузин, одеколон, волан, мемуары, суп, режиссер German: Шляпа, айсберг, бутерброд, шлягер, фейерверк, календарь, галстук Italian: Банк, ракета, бандит, фортепиано, газета, помидор
Language Quiz 1.What is the origin of the greeting Ciao? a)Caius, a common Latin name. b)It was the call of Venetian gondoliers to avoid hitting other boat in the fog. c)From the Venetian phrase sciao vostro literally translated as Im your slave or at your service. 2.Which is the only European language that always places the family name first and the given name second, e.g. SMITH John rather than John SMITH? a)Hungarian b)Icelandic c)Bulgarian
3. Which of the following is a Romance language? a)Romanian b)Romany c)Latin 4. Who said A country without a language is a country without a soul? a)Victor Hugo b)Patric Pearse c)Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 5.Which of the statements about the Greek alphabet is true? a)Unlike the Latin alphabet, its letters never represent numerals. b)It only contains consonants. c)It gave rise to the Gothic, Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.
6. Which language does the word robot come from? a)Polish b)Latin c)Czech 7.To which language does the quotation refer: The language is the instrument of the Empire? a)Spanish b)English c)German 8.Which of these dances originates in Poland? a)the Polka b)the Polonaise c)the Polska
Answers to the quiz: 1.C (this Venetian phrase means a polite promise from one to another, much like count on me any time.) 2.A (Family names were descriptive phrases used to identify peoples characteristics or their jobs.) 3.A (Romance languages include French, Spanish, Italian & Romanian as they descended from Latin.) 4.B 5.C 6.C (The Czech robota literally means hard work.) 7.A (The Spanish used their language as a tool to unify the empire, consolidate political power & spread the Catholic faith.) 8.B (The Polonaise means Polish in French. The Polka is a Czech dance & the Polska is a Nordic folk one.)
Enjoy studying languages and remember: He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Used resourses: GB/Default.aspx 0languages.htm ps.html /language/en-GB/Default.aspx n.htm