(1711 1765) 1765) Mike Lomonosov is the father of the Russian sciences and outstanding poet the founder of Russian literature.


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( ) 1765)

Mike Lomonosov is the father of the Russian sciences and outstanding poet the founder of Russian literature.

Mike Lomonosov was born in 1711 in Arhangelsk province, in Mishaninskaya country

He liked to spend his time fishing with his father. He began to read him self when he was a little boy.

He wanted to study and when he was 19 he went on foot to Moscow. He decided to enter the Slavic- Greek-Lateen academy.

The way of Lomonosov from Holmogor to Moscow

He entered it and six ears later in 1736 he was sent abroad to complete his studies in chemistry and mining.

Lomonosovs handwriting

Then Lomonosov studied in Germany in Marburg town (1736 – 1739) Memorial board Michail Vasilevic Lomonosov 1711 – 1765 Student der Marburger Universitat GroBer russischer Gelehrter und Schriftsteller grundete 1755 die Moskauer Universitat, die seinen Namen tragt"

Lomonosov worked hard and he became a great scientist.

He was a physicist a painter and astronomer, a geographer a historian and a states man.

Mike Lomonosov made a telescope; he observed a lot of stars and planets with his telescope.

Lomonosov wrote a first scientific grammar of Russian language.

He wrote many poems.

Фабрика моя делания разноцветных стекол и из них разных вещей состоит в Коважской мызе в деревне Уcтьрудицах. М.В.ЛОМОНОСОВ (1760г.). Lomonosov build a factory near Petersburg. It was a factory there glass was produced.

He made a portrait of Peter the first of pieces of glass.

Lomonosov was a founder of the first Russian University (1755)

This University is named after Lomonosov and it is situated in Moscow. This University is named after Lomonosov and it is situated in Moscow.

Mike Lomonosov died in 1765 but people know and remember him.

The Museum of Lomonosov in Holmogor

Среди придворных ловеласов, среди награбленных наград шел напроломно Ломоносов, как в беломорских льдах фрегат, Поэт, ученый и философ, из мужиков аристократ. Пришел он с моря. Был он морем талантов разных и затей. Мы никогда не переспорим его стихов, его статей. Е.Евтушенко

The End