Степени сравнения прилагательных Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives.


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© Л.Б. Гмыря, учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ 72, 2007 г.

Степени сравнения прилагательных. Прилагательные в английском языке не изменяются по числам и падежам, но, как и в русском языке имеют положительную,
This house is big. This house is bigger than the first. This house is the biggest It is also expensive. It is also more expensive. and the most expensive.
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Dear colleagues, I hope youll enjoy using this presentation at your English lessons in the fourth form (Units 3 & 6). Kind regards Olga Pshenichnykh.
DEGREES OF COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES FORM СРАВНИВАЕМ односложные прилагательные двусложные оканчивающиеся на – y или - er tall clever lazy laz-i.

Степени сравнения прилагательных Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives

Im 70. Im 75. old older The woman is old. The man is older than the woman. The woman is old, but she is younger than the man. (young –younger)

big bigger (small – smaller) The polar bear is big. The elephant is bigger than the polar bear. The polar bear is big, but it is smaller than the elephant.

smallsmaller The beetle is small, but it is bigger than the ant. The ant is smaller than the beetle.

longlonger (short – shorter) The green snake is long, but the brown snake is longer. The green snake is shorter than the brown one.

tasty tastier Yogurt is tasty, but ice cream is tastier than yogurt.

Big Ben is old. The tower is older than Big Ben. The pyramids are older than the tower. The pyramids are the oldest. old – older- the oldest

big – bigger – the biggest The first house is small. The second house is bigger than the first one. The third house is bigger than the second one. The third house is the biggest of all.

funny –funnier – the funniest The first clown is funny. The second clown is funnier than the first one. The third clown is funnier than the second one. The third clown is the funniest of all.

old older the oldest young younger the youngest long longer the longest short shorter the shortest new newer the newest clever cleverer the cleverest big bigger the biggest funny funnier the funniest tasty tastier the tastiest Сравнительная степеньПревосходная степеньПоложительная степень Сравнительная степень односложных и двусложных прилагательных образуется с помощью суффикса –er, превосходная степень – с помощью суффикса - est

Compare these snails: The first snail is ………. The second snail is ……. than the first one. The third snail is ……… than the second one. The third snail is………. of all. small bigger the biggest

Compare these girls: Betty, 5 Ann, 6 Marry, 7 Ann is …………. than Betty. Marry is ………. than Ann. Marry is…………. of all. 1. tall –taller –the tallest taller the tallest 2. old – older – the oldest Ann is …………. than Betty. Marry is ………. than Ann. Marry is…………. of all. older the oldest 3. young – younger – the youngest Ann is ……………… than Marry. Betty is …………….. than Ann. Betty is ………………………… of all. younger the youngest

Compare a tortoise and a snail: slow- slower-the slowest The snail is……………………….. slower than the tortoise.

Who do you think is the funniest?

Who do you think is the happiest? hippopotamus

Dick Bob Susie Anastasia Gary Liz Michael Compare these people Who is the tallest ? Who is the shortest? Who is the happiest? Who is the oldest? Who is the youngest?