«You should go to a doctor!» «You should go to a doctor!» Презентация к уроку английского языка По учебнику В. П. Кузовлева 6 класс Учитель – Литвинова Т. А МОУ Саврушская СОШ Похвистневского района Самарской области, 2011 год.
Цели : Актуализация изученного материала по теме ; Тренировка навыков диалогической и монологической речи ; Совер шенствование навыков чтения ; формирование навыка постановки специальных вопросов. Учить работать с таблицей. Создать атмосферу заинтересованности, активизировать лексику и ввести новую. Оборудование : таблицы для заполнения по количеству учащихся ; карточки с заданием по количеству учащихся, медицинские принадлежности ( халат, шапочка, стетоскоп ).
I dont like to visit doctors! I am afraid of doctors!
Who are they?
Name the illness! Name the illness!
What can help you?
Don't forget to ask |the doctor: - what you should do to be healthy; - when you will visit the doctor again.
Remember to: be active and polite; get the needed information by asking questions; talk for 1,5-2 minutes. Remember to: be active and polite; get the needed information by asking questions; talk for 1,5-2 minutes.
Fill the table! NameIllnessDoctor's advice KateHeadache take the medicine three times a day; have a walk outdoors; take regular exercises; get up early and go to bed early; take a cool (cold) shower; take a good medicine for headache; take vitamins; have a good rest.
Let's read the text on roles Lets read the text and answer my questions. Good morning! Can I help you? Good morning. I have a sore throat. Is it difficult to breathe? Oh, yes, it is. It is difficult to swallow and breathe. Do you have a high temperature? No, I don't. Have you taken any medicine? Not yet. When did you fall ill? I fell ill two days ago. Will you open your mouth and show me your tongue? You are really ill. What should I do to get well? You should take warm milk with butter or mineral water and buy a good medicine for cold. You will also take vitamins. When should I visit you again? You will visit me in a week. Thank you very much. You are welcome.
I wish you to be healthy! Dont afraid of doctors! Brushing my Teeth Up and down and round and round I brush my teeth to keep them sound; To keep them sound and clean and white I brush them morning, noon and night.