Unit 1. How Different the World Is! Lesson 1.Geographical Specifications of the Altai Region. Цели: Познавательные: ознакомление с основными географическими характеристиками Алтайского края. Развивающие : развитие способностей к репродуктивным и продуктивным речевым действиям, развитие оперативной памяти, любознательности, воображения. Воспитывающие : воспитание чувства гордости за родной край, чувства любви к «малой» Родине. Учебные: обеспечить условия для организации учащимися монологического высказывания в устной и письменной форме с использованием данного материала объеме 8-10 предложений.
What is special about the geographical position of our region? Welcome to the virtual tour of Altai!
It isnt hard to find Altai. Take a look at the map of the world.
Altai Krai (Russia) Name: Altai Krai Capital: Barnaul Area: km 2 Population: inhabitants Status: Territory within the Russian Federation since 1937, 28 th,September Federal District: Siberia Economic region: West Siberia
Mineral resources
Iron-ores iron bauxite copper gold lead zinc mercury Copper-медь lead-свинец mercury-ртуть
Mineral-building materials marble gravel lime-stone sand crushed stone Lime-stone- известняк crushed stone –поделочные камни
Flora Steppe meadows grassland woods of birch aspen and pine trees aspen-осина birch-береза pine-сосна
Climate Summer is hot, short and often dry Winter is frosty and continious
It is important to know! Altai has 3 thousand species of plants. 100 of herbs are used in medicine There are 100 endemics 120 species need protection and there are 90 species of mammals 300 species of birds 8 species reptiles 35 - fishes
Administrative Units 14 towns 12 cities 7 urban districts 60 rural districts urban-городской rural-сельский
The administrative center is the city of Barnaul with the population of people
Remember! Area Population Flag Towns Barnaul Districts Rivers The Ob Lakes The Kulundinskoe Beluha Tigireksky nature reserve Troitsky district 169,100 km2 2,6 mln , 000 people km km2 4,506 m km2