M- - day T--sday W----sdayT---sday F--day S--- - day S--day.


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D AILY L IFE Present Simple and Present Continuous.
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УМК М.З. Биболетовой Enjoy English 5 класс P RESENT S IMPLE P RESENT C ONTINUOUS P RESENT S IMPLE P RESENT C ONTINUOUS I work very hard at school every.

M- - day T--sday W----sdayT---sday F--day S--- - day S--day

Our plans for the weekend.

Listen, read and learn by heart. On Sunday I like to relax. I read books and play games, Then I go for a walk and watch TV, I ride a bike and listen to CD. Sometimes I draw and clean the house, I play with my pet – a little white mouse.

On ….. I like to….. I read ….. and play …., Then I go for …. and watch …., I ride a …. and listen to ….. Sometimes I draw and clean the …., I play with my …. – a little white …..

On Sunday I like to relax. I read books and play games, Then I go for a walk and watch TV, I ride a bike and listen to CD. Sometimes I draw and clean the house, I play with my pet – a little white mouse.

to read books to play games to go for a walk to watch TV to ride a bike to listen to CD to draw to clean the house to play with my pet Гулять Кататься на велосипеде Убираться дома Рисовать Играть в игры Слушать музыку Играть с питомцем Читать книги Смотреть телевизор

to be going to read books I am play games you are going to play with pet he, she is clean the house We watch TV they draw listen to CD ride a bike

to be I am You are He she it is We are They are

Hello, this is Linda. Hi, Linda. I am going to go for a walk. Are you? Great. Would you like to go with me? I will talk to my mum. Call me back. Bye. Bye.

Hello, this is Linda. Hi, Linda. I am going to go for a walk. Are you? Great. Would you like to go with me? I will talk to my mum. Call me back. Bye. Bye.

Hello, this is ……. Hi, ….. I am going to…. Are you? Great. Would you like to … with me? I will talk to my mum. Call me back. Bye. Bye.

Оцениваем диалог по следующим критериям: - темп речи; -артистичность; -правильность речи.

Homework: Tell about your plans for the weekend (5-6 sentences ).