Can you colour a rainbow? (Unit 17)
Часть 1 Выучи слова, называющие цвета
(light) blue
(dark) blue
Часть 2 Научись задавать вопросы и отвечать на них
Whats this? Its a bus. What colour is it? Its red.
Whats this? Its a jumper. What colour is it? Its orange.
Whats this? Its a dog. What colour is it? Its brown.
Whats this? Its a bird. What colour is it? Its yellow.
Whats this? Its a clock. What colour is it? Its green and yellow.
Whats this? Its a car. What colour is it? Its pink.
Whats this? Its a cat. What colour is it? Its black.
Whats this? Its a jacket. What colour is it? Its blue.
Whats this? Its a house. What colour is it? Its purple.
Whats this? Its a plane. What colour is it? Its white.
Назови это по-английски и скажи, какого оно цвета. Часть 3
Its the sun. Its orange and yellow.
Its the sky. Its blue.
Its a sea. Its blue.
Its a rainbow. Its red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.
Источники: 1) УМК Forward Английский язык: 2 класс: учебник для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений: в 2 ч. Ч 2/; под редакцией проф. М.В.Вербицкой. – 2-е изд., дораб. – М.: Вентана-Граф: Pearson Education Limited, ) Коллекция видеоклипов.
Created by: Valentina Vasilyevna Sergoushina an English teacher MBEE Monastyrshchinskaya Secondary Comprehensive School Smolenskaya Oblast School Year